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Living Lines of Nature - Drawing & Reflecting in Maria-Rickenbach

In five events the Temporary Thought Collective will connect to plant life with pen on paper. Each meeting will start with an impulse to sharpen our observational skills. You will be part of a prototypes for a larger developing project Drawing Europe - Living Lines of Nature in which we establish a dense network of collaborations in Europe focusing on drawing as a skill and the attention to and exchange with plants, trees, lichens, moss, fungi, and all things growing in our immediate environment.

Join us
Roots Manoeuvre with Zoë Dowlen
Finding and internalising connections with Monica Märchy
Getting Lost along Plant Lines with Maria Josefa Lichtsteiner
Drawing as a Communicative Act with Ursina Kellerhals
Let Nature prompt your imagination with Andrea Portmann

The events include: Welcome (tea/coffee). Input. Soup&Bread. Reflection&Discussion. 

Find more Information and register below.
For more info you are always welcome to Get in touch.

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