Julie Harboe
In a transdisciplinary practice of action research, I explore and combine different real-world challenges with focus on creativity and positive transformations.
My work has taken me from studying the impact of art in past and present, to managerial assignments with artists and researchers, to focusing on human- centred collaborations in R&D&I and higher education.
Assessment tests classify me as 50% team-player and 50% leader. I am passionate about empowering all participants and finding solutions.
I thrive on steep learning curves, on the poetry and complexity of everyday life, and am driven by urgent optimism.

Professional experience
Research projects between science, art and practise
Project manager and senior researcher in more than 30 large research projects in the areas of art & science, and societal engagement covering inter- and transdiciplinary themes, rethinking the plastic economy, models as research tools, project management and individual innovation process, development of the field of artistic research.
Events and conferences
Responsible for concept and management of more than 20 Symposia with up to 130 participants.
Artistic director of Future Forum Lucerne 2015-2020. Organisation of PlasticTalks in an expanded science-café format in the PlasticTwist project.
New concepts in collaboration and alone of more than 40 innovation workshops for students from Bachelor to PhDs and specialists and the public: Connecting artistic doctoral candidates, a re-orientation in a residential care home, engaging citizens for environmental issues, kicking-off projects for further collaboration, recently the amazing interaction at Eloquent Hands.
Higher Education
25+ years of experience as lecturer for art history and artistic research, on spaces for learning and creativity, open innovation, developing a Master of Arts programme in Public Spheres and mentorships and consultancies for new learning formats.
Curating and writing
Curator of more than 40 Exhibitions: e.g. at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Kunstraum Baden (in forumclaque), and NOW03/06/09 for the Cantons Nid- and Obwalden. Next to editorial work I am the author of 150+ articles in newspapers, magazines, books and academic journals.

Why the lady bug? The lady bug arrives and delivers an immediate focus. She is also a useful part of our ecology in gardens and beyond. In culture we have trusted her to give a positive impulse and we are surprised when she, despite the solid colourful shields, lifts off and carries our thoughts and hopes towards the blue sky.